Saturday, May 5, 2007


Nothing like getting up at 6am on Saturday. M. is going with her middle school music dept to a competition/festival about 2 hours away. They had to be at the school by 6:30 and will be back around 10pm tonight. Hope they have fun. I don't enjoy getting up so early on the weekend. But I do have to admit, there is something extremely peaceful about seeing the sun come up, and being able to enjoy coffee, email, and a quiet quiet house before anyone else is up. it's not so bad once I can drag myself out of bed.

Heading out to softball games in another hour or so. Then the afternoon will be spent washing clothes and packing up C. for Science camp next week. She leaves Monday and it's going to be so quiet in our house without her here. She's never been away from home for longer than one night. My baby. I know I'm going to miss her terribly. She'll have a blast though!

Here's a picture of my baby several years ago. Awwwwww........!

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